"The Zodiax Return - Daily Weekly Monthly and More Forecast Horoscope Signs" application shows astrological forecasts from a professional astrologer for today, tomorrow and the month.
The horoscopes are updated every day; every 7am GMT morning you will be able to receive new astrological forecasts on your mobile phone. In addition to the Standard horoscope, the application includes Love Horoscopes, Career Horoscopes, and Relationship between two horoscope signs.
"The Zodiax Return" gives you full information and necessary basic about 12 Horoscope signs. Its fun to read it !
- Updated to comfortable with IOS 11
- Daily, Weekly, Monthly forecast
- Special Your Love Friday forecast
- Fun information about 12 signs
- Relationship
- Work&Career
- Horoscopes of the Celebrities
- Notification When having new update
And more... Lets use and check it !